naked and maybe that was making Kiera uncomfortable, so she dodged

over to the door and grabbed her robe off the hook at the back.

“I…shit. I’m supposed to be at the store this morning. If I show up in

yesterday’s clothes, which are probably rumpled beyond redemption, or if I

show up late…never mind. This is stupid. Not this.” Kiera motioned

between them. “Sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. I just didn’t expect to fall

asleep here. Shoot. Okay. I have a plan. I’ll find a reason not to go in. I’ll go

home, shower, change, and get back there for the afternoon.”

“You could always shower here,” Romi said, and winked.

Kiera blushed. “As much as I want to, I don’t want to make you late. Not

that I want to hide anything. Or that I’m ashamed about—”

“I understand. We still have a lot of things to work out and talk about. I

get that it’s going to take time.”

Romi tightened the belt at her waist while Kiera stood there awkwardly.

The kind of awkward that is kind of wonderful. The embarrassed, flushed,

first morning together kind of awkward. It dawned on her that Kiera might

not want to get dressed in front of her.

“I usually make myself a cup of tea in the morning. I’ll go get it ready,

and I can make one for you too. You can take it with you, if you want. I’ll

put it in a to-go mug.”


In the kitchen, Romi tried to concentrate on the tea. She filled up the

kettle and literally watched it boil, humming all the while. She wasn’t

thinking about tea and it was a small miracle she didn’t spill hot water all

over the place.

Of course, she was thinking about Kiera.

Kiera was in her apartment. In her bedroom. They’d fallen asleep

together. Holding each other. Exhausted. Wonderfully exhausted. She’d

never felt anything like it. That peaceful serenity she’d experienced after.

Or anything like what they’d done before. Her pulse kicked up wildly just