Chapter 19

> Romi

“Oh shit!”

Romi registered a panicked voice before she even heard the chimes of

her alarm. Afraid that the apartment building was crumbling around her or

on fire or something, she leapt out of bed. She ended up banging her foot

straight into her night stand, then spun, hopping around on one foot,

moaning unintelligibly and muttering under her breath.

It took her a few seconds to realize that the voice was real. It belonged to

a real person. She hadn’t dreamed it.


Kiera was in her bed. Her hair was wild, the sheets were half tangled

around her and half grabbed and gathered frantically around her upper body,

and her eyes were wide with confusion and panic.

Romi located the source of the annoying alarm. Her phone was on the

floor, near the pile of discarded clothes.

Everything came back fast as soon as the last remaining vestiges of sleep

cleared off. Romi grasped her phone and swiped at it until the alarm finally

went off.

“Oh my god.” Kiera’s eyes tracked to hers after they examined the floor,

the pile of clothing, the bedroom. “I fell asleep here.”

Romi couldn’t smother a soft laugh. “Is that okay? Or is it really bad? It’s

first thing in the morning and it usually takes me a cup of tea, a shower, and

at least half an hour to feel entirely human, so I’m not exactly sure at the


Disarmed, Kiera slid from the bed. She took the sheet with her, but her

lush curves were still very apparent. Even though she was tired and still a

little disoriented, Romi sucked in her breath. She thought about her normal

morning routine, namely the shower, then she thought about Kiera joining

her. It got even harder to breathe. Suddenly it clued in with her that she was