“Would you help me?” Kiera asked when they were both half finished

with their meals. “I mean, not that you’d have to be there if I told my

parents, but for moral support? Could you give me advice?”

“Sure. Although, what if I give bad advice? My family was one thing, but

I don’t know yours. What if I tell you something and it turns out bad?”

“It wouldn’t be your fault. Even silent support would help a lot.” Keira

glanced off to the side and her shoulders sunk as she sighed. “Everyone

always looks at me and thinks I’m so strong, but I don’t feel strong. I don’t

feel strong at all. I think I’m actually a coward.”

“I hate that word. Most people don’t have to contemplate losing their

whole family. Not like this. It’s hard. I don’t blame you.”

“But I actively covered it up. I’ve lied to everyone for so long that it’s

become like second nature. I even have a fake boyfriend. Maybe we both

need to grow a pair of balls and man up and stand up to our parents.”

“I was going to ask what was in it for him. Or why he agreed to it.”

“It’s a long story. He’s a bit of a mama’s boy and she’s very overbearing.

She’s the sweetest lady, and Shane is terrified of hurting her. She wants him

to get his shit together, get married, and give her some grandkids, and he

wants to keep sewing his wild oats. That’s the long story short.”


“Yeah. I know.”

They both fell silent while they finished their dinner. After, Romi rose

and put the rest into the fridge. “Do you want tea?”

“Tea? That’s right, you promised to get me hooked or coffee’s healthier


Romi took two mugs out of the cupboard. “It’s not for everyone. My

favorite is black tea, and I drink it with cream. It’s so good, it tastes just like

a latte, but without any of the sugar.”

“Okay. I’ll try it.”

After the tea was done, Romi took the mugs into her living room. It