away? Kiera knew she very well couldn’t have it both ways. She couldn’t

wish she’d never met Romi when she was secretly so glad she had. She

couldn’t spend days wishing that what happened on the weekend hadn’t

happened when she’d give just about anything for it to happen again.

“Okay,” Romi said softly. “Do you still have my address?”

“Yes, it should still be in my GPS.”

Romi hesitated near the doorway. “Are you sure you’ll come?” At least

she had the courage to say what she really thought. It was just one of the

many traits that was so easy to admire.

“I will.”

“Okay. It takes me about half an hour to get home in traffic. I can wait for

you outside, since my buzzer is kind of crappy. Unless you just want to


“I can text you. I’ll stop for something along the way. I’m starving. Do

you have any preference?” Kiera actually wasn’t overly hungry, but a

distraction was probably a good thing.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“It’s not a problem. It’s my treat, and don’t try and talk me out of that.”

“Alright.” Romi nodded. “Sure. Anything. I’m not fussy. Just please not


“That’s one more thing we have in common.” Stupid. That sounds stupid.

Romi didn’t seem to notice or mind the slip up. She just offered a small

smile. “Parking is out on the street or there are a few visitor stalls, but they

tend to get pretty full. As long as you don’t bring the big truck and trailer,

you should be good.” Romi winked. Humor. That was one more thing for

the list that Kiera was mentally compiling of all Romi’s great qualities. Not

that she was doing it on purpose. She just noticed and they stuck with her.

“Okay. Thanks.”

