big company, and he was always busy with that.”
“You went to boarding school?” Taylor had never met anyone who went
to one before. It sounded like something that people just read and wrote
about in books.
“I did. My dad had lots of money, so it was quite prestigious, but that
never mattered to me. I didn’t really like it, but I also didn’t not like it. I did
enough to get by. I had enough friends. At first when I came out, there was
some noise about it with the teachers and what not, but after a month,
everyone just accepted it and went right back to not really caring. I think
that everyone knew me well enough by then that it wasn’t a big deal. The
school was strict enough and personal lives didn’t really factor into much of
what went on there.”
Taylor wasn’t sure what the school would have been like. She had this
image in her head from movies about girls behaving badly and getting sent
away and behaving even worse, but she doubted that was how real boarding
schools or private schools or whatever they were worked.
“What does your dad do?”
“That’s a complicated question, since it’s changed so much over the
years, but essentially they sell pools.”
“Yeah. They put pools into yards. That’s how he got super rich. I’ve just
reaped the benefits of it. I’m a trust fund, silver spoon baby all the way.”
Christina laughed easily about it, like she wasn’t trying to throw those facts
around for any purpose other than stating them.
Taylor found herself relaxing. She’d never expected that Christina
would be so open.
“So?” Christina said. “When did you come out?”
Taylor nearly choked on the juice she’d just sipped. She got it down and
studied her the glass in her hand. “Uh…” She, on the other hand, wasn’t
really into sharing things about herself. She might find it easy to talk to