work, Christina was confident that he couldn’t sue anyway.

Taylor hadn’t even thought about that. God, there was so much she

hadn’t considered and had yet to consider. The building itself was a huge

challenge and she hadn’t even opened for business yet. Juliana was still

working on a mountain of legal forms. The shelters were going to be in

touch about programming and scheduling the animals in, as well as all the

logistics, and a few rescue groups had yet to get back to her. Since Christina

would be at the building now for the unforeseeable future, she’d taken the

liberty of making an epic to-do list for her the afternoon before.

“Who’s that?” Chloe pointed as soon as they walked through the door.

Taylor pulled herself out of her own internal to-do list and looked

straight ahead.

Christina. Shoot, of course Chloe would point her out. Taylor did a bit

of a double take herself. She’d basically ordered Christina to buy a pair of

jeans and wear them. It had been rude, and Taylor didn’t know why she

turned so snappy and unhappy around Christina. What was it about her that

instantly put Taylor in a bad mood?

Was it that she felt she had to compete with Christina? She didn’t

think so. Maybe it was just the fact that whenever Christina was around,

Taylor felt strange. Strange in ways she couldn’t define and therefore

couldn’t control, and she didn’t like being out of control. Maybe that was it.

Christina and her talks about managing this and making decisions about

that, when it should have been Taylor’s say alone.

Yeah. That was probably it. That alone.

It didn’t have anything to do with the fact that Christina was beyond

extremely beautiful and transcendently attractive. Apparently even in jeans

and a black tank, she was a freaking knock out. Her clothes weren’t skin

tight, but her jeans fit well. They ended in a set of boots, that while they

weren’t meant for construction, at least they had closed toes and no heels.

The tank was plain black ribbed cotton, but it hugged Christina’s curves.