tempt just about any person with eyes. She might be tasteful and put
together, but one thing she clearly lacked was the ability to lie, and lie well.
Taylor saw straight through that smile to the nerves below. She didn’t want
to push her luck, but she couldn’t help herself.
“Don’t take this the wrong way,” Taylor said. She started fidgeting with
the hem of her skirt under the table. “I’m extremely grateful that someone
liked my idea and wants to make it a reality, but— I’m just— really
confused. A team? People are going to work on my proposal, and I’ll get
funding, just like that?”
“It might take a week to get everything in place, but yes. Our company
supports many charitable causes, and it’s not every day that we get an idea
like this. We have a chance to make history, and it’s not just a great thing
for the community. With some work, we think it could be a solid investment
for us.”
“You think so?” Taylor’s tone was hard. “I mean, after you said it
wasn’t yesterday?”
Christina looked distinctly uncomfortable and tried to hide it by
uncrossing her legs under the table. Taylor could tell she did it because her
whole upper body swayed with the movement. It drew Taylor’s eyes to the
swell of Christina’s breasts under her blouse. Her blazer was open, and the
round globes were accentuated with the new position. Taylor’s throat was
suddenly far too dry. She wished she’d taken the damn coffee. She tore her
eyes away quickly and ignored the slow burn spreading through her body.
“I didn’t realize that Michelle would get so excited about it. I was being
realistic. I hope you realize that this isn’t an opportunity that comes along
for everyone. I made the mistake of thinking that it would be denied at the
upper levels. I’m sorry if you took my words too much to heart yesterday. I
wasn’t trying to stomp on your idea or hurt your feelings. I was just trying
to practice good business.”
“But you were wrong?” Taylor knew she should let it go, but she