
Taylor walked over to the fridge. She had a few magnets here and

there, mostly corny ones or ones from the dollar store where she often took

Chloe. Chloe had a thing for them, and even though she was only allowed

to pick one thing when they went, she usually picked something to go on

the fridge. Taylor moved a doughnut and a unicorn to make space for

Chloe’s artwork. She stuck it down with a cactus (one she’d picked out) and

a pair of boots (one Chloe wanted).

“Apples or yogurt?”


“Apples. Or. Yogurt.”

“Fine,” Chloe grunted. “Apples. With yogurt.”

Taylor was glad for a reason to smile. She’d been in a bad mood

since leaving that capital investment whatever it was place. She wasn’t sure

if bad even went halfway to describe what she felt.

She took an apple and the tub of strawberry yogurt to the counter.

After dishing out the yogurt into a small bowl, she cut up half the apple

onto a plate.

“Yum!” Chloe was happy enough with her snack at least.

Taylor took the other half of the apple and sat down across from her

daughter. The kitchen was tiny. It matched the rest of the apartment. Fairly

old and too cramped, but at least it was theirs. For the time being. Taylor

didn’t want to think about that, so she forced a smile for Chloe. Before she

could ask about her day, Chloe went on about her drawing.

“I drew the farm because I miss it. I miss it more than anything.”

She dipped an apple slice into the yogurt, licked it off, then dipped it again.

“When can we go back?”

Taylor swallowed hard. “Like, for a visit?”

“No. Forever.”

“Chloe…” Taylor started, but she had no idea how to continue. The