Christina and Taylor laughed together at Chloe’s enthusiasm. Taylor had

been exactly right about Chloe hitting the freaking moon with excitement.

Chloe absolutely loved Christina. Taylor knew the feeling was mutual.

Somehow, again, timing had worked its magic. If it wasn’t for the chicken

pox, Taylor might never have realized that there was a softer side to

Christina. She’d never been a big believer in most things happening for a

reason. Most things that happened were just random and crappy, but lately,

she had to admit that the stars, or whatever was out there— something—

had aligned for her. Big time.

She thought back to when she’d first met Adriana and Juliana and how

badly she wanted to have that for herself. How badly she wanted to be a

family. She wanted a partner, someone to love and support and be loved by.

She wanted that person to love Chloe like her own. Taylor knew they were

still going to be taking it slow, pacing it out, not rushing into anything, but

she’d known for a while that Christina was a great fit. For both herself and

Chloe. The future was a big unknown, but where they were at in the present

was pretty darn sweet.

“I am here,” Christina confirmed. She opened her arms and Chloe

barrelled into them. Taylor shifted and bear hugged them both at the same

time. “What should we do tonight? Bowling? The arcade? A walk? A


“Let’s just do this.” Chloe was very enthusiastic about the hug.

“This sounds good.”

Taylor grinned. “This sounds very, very good.” She tightened her arms

around the two people who had transformed her world for the better.



It was hard to believe sometimes, that this was their life. Christina

would always feel so blessed that she’d ended up where she had, but at the

moment, she was so happy that it was hard to believe that she was living