call you tonight.”
Taylor watched as Christina grabbed her things out of the office and
left through the back door, like Michelle had. She felt that Christina was
putting on a brave face for her. The kiss was a nice surprise, but Taylor had
to wonder if it was also meant as a bit of a consolation. Christina knew that
Taylor would be upset that she didn’t get to share the opening day together
right from start to finish. It felt a little like Christina had been cheated out of
something that she’d worked insanely hard for. Taylor didn’t like it. She
was sure that Christina didn’t like it either, but she was probably too used to
putting up a tough front to let her true feelings be known.
She also knew that Taylor couldn’t do that and maybe Christina
wanted to make sure that Taylor didn’t get hurt over something that
couldn’t be changed.
Despite Christina’s reassurances that everything would be fine,
Taylor really was worried that everything would change. That everything
would be different. Not only would their days be different, but maybe now
that Christina didn’t have to focus on their project, she’d find something
else to be busy with. It might not happen at first. Maybe Christina wouldn’t
even mean for it to happen, but maybe, over time, she’d find something that
was more fulfilling than Taylor.
Taylor let out a huff at her childish thoughts. She was just upset over
Christina basically getting ordered back to the office. Change was rough.
There had been a lot of it lately. They were also both exhausted from
working long hours to get the business open on time. The building had to be
completed. The dogs and cats had to be coordinated. All the staff had to be
hired and trained. Yeah. It hadn’t exactly been an easy ride over the past ten
Everything’s going to be fine. That was Christina’s promise.
“Taylor? We have a guy out here who wants an interview.” Becki,
one of the new staff members, walked into the back. She looked absolutely