She knew that Christina wasn’t just in it for her either. Christina
genuinely liked Chloe, even though she professed to having almost no
experience with kids. She’d been amazing with her over the past few
weeks, and she’d saved her earlier without even thinking. Taylor had
always been so worried about meeting someone and Chloe n
ot liking them
or them not liking Chloe. There’d be tension, and in the end, inevitable
heartbreak, but that wasn’t what happened with Christina. Christina took to
Chloe so naturally that it astonished Taylor. It probably surprised Christina
too. And Chloe undoubtedly loved Christina to bits.
“Thanks for bringing me here,” Christina said again. “It’s
wonderful. Truly. More amazing than anything I’ve ever seen before, and
I’ve seen quite a lot.”
Taylor snuggled closer. She found Christina’s hand under the edge
of the blanket they’d pulled back up and squeezed hard. Christina was
looking up at the stars, and when Taylor nuzzled her face into Christina’s
neck, inhaling deeply of her scent, Christina rested her face against
Neither of them moved. They just stayed that way, connected, under
the huge open sky, watching the stars shine down softly on them.
It was impossible for Taylor not to think that those stars had once
looked down on them separately, before either of them knew the other
existed. They’d spent lifetimes apart, in different cities, leading very
different lives, but now they were there.
Chapter 21
The weekend at the farm went too quickly, even though Taylor did
everything in her power to cherish and draw out every single moment.
Everything went too quickly. All of the sudden, they were back, the