their house. Chloe got to sleep in her grandparent’s bed one night every

other week. They’d watch some TV and read some books. Taylor wasn’t

sure who enjoyed it more. Chloe or her grandparents.

“I don’t think you can spoil someone with too much love.”

Taylor wasn’t so sure, but she didn’t argue. She could hear the pain

in Christina’s voice, and it stung her. She knew that Christina had a rocky

childhood. After losing her mom, it was clear that Christina felt that her dad

didn’t know how to care about his children. She might not have even felt

loved. Taylor ached for the little girl that Christina was. Knowing what had

happened in Christina’s youth helped Taylor understand why Christina was

so fiercely driven to succeed. Why sometimes came off as cold and distant.

She stared into Christina’s eyes, made darker by the night. They

were a lovely shade of blue, cobalt, or indigo. Taylor was struck by the how

fiercely courageous Christina must have had to be growing up the way she

had. Losing her mom when she was so young. She must have been so


Taylor smoothed her finger down Christina’s cheek. “You’re so

beautiful,” she whispered.

She meant all of it. Not just Christina’s physical features, but her

fire. The steel will and determination to move forward in life no matter

what, her strength through barren, empty years. Taylor remembered how

lonely she felt, how she longed for someone to share her life. She’d almost

missed it when the most perfect person had walked into it because she was

too busy being stubborn and finding things to dislike just to save the very

heart that she so badly wanted to share.

It wasn’t on impulse that Taylor turned Christina’s face and guided

it to hers. She kissed her tenderly, but in just a few seconds, the kiss

changed until they were both blazing hot.

“Can I touch you?” Taylor panted. God, it had been far too long.