get one. I realize how lucky I am. I always wanted brothers or sisters, but
my parents couldn’t have any other kids after me. My mom got an infection
after having me and she had to have a hysterectomy. They were happy with
our family of three and being an only child, I might not have been spoiled
materialistically, but I was loved a TON. I— I’m sorry that you didn’t get to
have that after— um…”
“Yeah.” Christina blinked rapidly. Taylor shifted closer and took
Christina’s hands. She twisted their fingers together. “Grief is this thing that
lives with you forever. I guess you move on by doing other things, but
you’re right. I feel like I became an adult right then, in a way.”
“Did you guys do thanksgiving together in New York?”
“No. We never do any holidays together. I do call and text, but most of
the time it just gets ignored. My dad works on all the holidays. He’s always
used it as a way to not have to deal with anything else. Our family is super
rich as a result. I have this massive trust fund just sitting there. I’ve never
done much with it. He had other funds set aside for school. I— when he
passes, I know he’ll leave the company to one of my brothers, but he’ll
leave my other brother and me a bunch of shares and assets to be fair. I
grew up with a lot of privilege, as far as money goes. You should see my
dad’s house.” Her hand trembled in Taylor’s. “I’m not saying that to make
things weird. I don’t want anything to be different now that you know that
or because we come from different economic circumstances.”
“No. Of course not.” Taylor’s head was swimming though, to think
about all that wealth. She’d never met anyone who was rich before. Well
off, yes, but not the kind of rich that Christina had just admitted to. It did
make her feel slightly overwhelmed.
“I know that you think I should probably have all these expectations or
— or behaviours or something because I have money, but I’ve really tried
to live my life not being that way. I think that this farm is incredible, and
the love of your family is beyond money. I think a hard day at work, no