there a lot sooner.
She smiled to herself as a shiver raced up her spine. A good shiver.
“You mentioned pajamas?”
Christina tugged Taylor down and kissed her hotly. “I have some in the
top drawer over there.”
Taylor looked around at the furnishings in the darkened room for the
first time. Dressers, one long and one tall, nightstands, the bed, a closet on
the far side. It was all very ordinary, and all very surprising, because she
hadn’t noticed a single detail. She had been totally transfixed on Christina
when they entered the room.
“We can talk about this tomorrow?” T
aylor asked hesitantly. She didn’t
know what to say at the moment, but as long as she knew that they could
and would talk about it, she could sleep easily.
She’d sleep easily anyway, after the incredible climaxes she’d had, but
thinking about that made her skin feel like it was on fire again, and she
knew that she really did need to get upstairs and get some sleep.
“Yes.” Christina nodded. She got up, walked to the door, and threw on a
fluffy purple robe with little pink hearts on it. It seemed so the exact
opposite of anything that Christina would wear that Taylor nearly laughed.
Christina walked over to the dresser and pulled out a set of fuzzy green
pajama bottoms with cartoon cat heads on them. She dug further and found
a plain black t-shirt. She handed them over, their fingers brushing, but
Taylor forced herself to slip into them. She gathered up her clothes, folding
them neatly for the morning, then gave Christina a smile that contained all
her nerves, her happiness, and her hope in one single look. Christina smiled
“Goodnight,” she whispered.
Taylor slipped from the room and crept quietly up the stairs towards