“I love kissing you too.”

“You’re a good kisser.”

“So you are.”

Taylor’s eyes darkened. “I’ve never— that— I— I know it’s going to

sound weird, and don’t ask me if I’m sure because I am sure. About—

about this and about what I want, but I’ve never— um— I’ve never been

with a woman before.”

Christina wasn’t exactly surprised. Taylor had said that she’d left her

small town because she wasn’t accepted there for who she was. She also

had a child and had spent a lot of years having to deny what she really felt

and who she truly was. And she hadn’t been in Austin very long.

“It’s alright,” Christina said softly. “I’ll go slow.”

“I don’t want you to go slow,” Taylor panted, kissing her again. “I just

— wanted you to know.”

“It’s fine. If you want to do this, it doesn’t require you having lots of

previous experience.” Christina felt the throbbing between her legs hammer

harder at the thought of being Taylor’s first. It overwhelmed her, but it

turned her blood into an inferno.

Taylor spotted the big king bed and pulled Christina over with her. Their

hands flew, stripping away clothing, fumbling, stepping, nearly falling.

Something ripped as the seams stretched too hard. Taylor giggled. Christina

didn’t stop peeling away clothes until Taylor was standing in a pink bra and

plain white panties. Christina had to take a moment to let her eyes rake over

Taylor’s beautiful curves. She was perfectly shaped. Her breasts overflowed

the bra cups. Her belly was flat, curling into sensual hips and shapely legs.

Taylor might be nervous, but her gaze was hot on Christina’s body as well.

“You’re so perfect,” Taylor whispered in awe.

Christina laughed softly as pleasure coursed through her. “So are you.”

“But you’re— you’re— just— wow.”

Christina ran her hand slowly down Taylor’s arm. Even that small