going to be any chemistry. It was ridiculous that Christina was even
thinking about that. Chemistry. She wanted to kick her own butt for being
so dumb. She didn’t even know for sure that Taylor was even attracted to
women. Women like Christina.
It didn’t matter if Taylor was crazy attractive. This was a job and
Christina always took her work seriously. She’d had tons of hot co-workers
in the past. She’d never been unable to keep them out of her head. What
was it about Taylor?
Here you go again. Thinking about everything that you just said you
weren’t going to focus on. Stop fixating. Get your butt in there, check on the
building, and get the heck out. Be civil. Smile. Be nice. Above all, get a
freaking grip. Do not mess up this project by checking out your ridiculously
hot, sort of co-worker. Your job and everyone else’s jobs depend on it.
It was true. Right before Christina left the office, Michelle cornered her
and basically demanded to know what was taking so long in getting the
building renovated. Christina had to explain that it took time for the sale to
go through, for permits to be obtained, for crews to be organized, materials
purchased, and so on. She’d been giving her VP regular updates on the
project, especially after the sale went through and Taylor had crews move in
to start the renovations, but Michelle was so over-eager to get the business
open and underway, that it didn’t seem like she really listened. The only
update she wanted was what day opening day would be. She’d given
Christina a set of orders.
Orders that Taylor undoubtedly was going to be pissed about when she
found out what they were.
Christina studied the building as she walked from the gravel lot to the
front door. Taylor might have been argumentative about every single step,
but Christina could see that Taylor was also organized. She’d had her
permits ready and the construction crews lined up pretty much from the
minute she was handed the keys. Christina had sent over some contacts, but