was gravelled over with tall weeds growing through in most spots, but since

it was surrounded by a tall chain link fence, it also had potential as a small

park for the dogs.

Christina knew that Taylor only informed over, over email, about the

appointment to see the property, because she’d been instructed to do so.

Taylor seemed too nice to go rogue on anyone. She’d signed the proposal

after, and when Christina emailed over the paperwork for the funding, she’d

circled the parts where it stated that any and all final decisions on property

purchased had to be approved by The Stellar Fund Venture Capitalist

Group. Since Christina was clearly Taylor’s main contact, she’d sent her the


Christina wasn’t sure about the business being in the city. She’d

imagined it more so in a quiet residential area or on the outskirts, but she

also knew that wouldn’t work. It wouldn’t make sense for people to have to

travel a long way to get there. Being central, or just about central, in the

heart of the city, was better for traffic all around. The building was located

just a few blocks from a large park, so maybe it could work.

At the sound of tires crunching gravel, Christina turned. She watched a

tiny, old red car pull up and park beside hers. Taylor got out and Christina

found her heart momentarily stopping. The rest of her body turned into a

riot of internal activity. She felt the blood surge to some pretty embarrassing

spots. Her pulse pounded at her neck when she took in Taylor’s attire. Or

rather, what that clothing looked like on Taylor.

She was wearing tight jeans that defined her shapely hips and cupped

her perfect bottom. They narrowed and tucked into a set of brown cowboy

boots. A pink plaid shirt was half tucked into those jeans. It flowed over

Taylor’s narrow waist but was tight over the swell of her breasts. She’d left

a couple buttons undone at the top and Christina’s mouth went dry when

she noticed. Taylor’s sandy hair was tucked up into another messy bun. She

had no makeup on, but the sun shone down at just the right angle, like a soft