Chapter 9


As Christina was gathering up her laptop, notepad, files, and phone,

Michelle walked into her office.

“I don’t have a status update yet,” Christina said before her boss could

start in on her usual line of questioning. “I’m actually heading out right now

to view the building with Taylor.”


“Umm— the lady with the idea. And the funding. It’s her project.

Her business.”

“Right.” Michelle rolled her eyes and gave a dismissive signal with

her hand like of course she knew who Taylor was.

“I can let you know in a few hours, when I get back, if she’s going

to take it or not.”

“We approved the funding nine days ago. I’m just wondering what’s

taking so long.”

Christina bit back her annoyance at Michelle’s impatience. Not only did

she basically not even remember Taylor’s name, but she was also crazy

over the whole notion that what Charles had done was going to leak.

It was hard to believe that someone looking at raunchy porn could

fast track an entire process like this. Since she’d first met Michelle weeks

ago, Christina had learned that the VP was cautious, especially when it

came to lending. She always wanted to make a good investment. It was

almost mind boggling how Michelle seemed to have done a one-eighty in

the past few weeks. If an abandoned garbage dump had been for sale, she

would have been all for Taylor starting her business there, building on top

of mounds of trash.

“It’s not that easy to find a good building, for the right price, in a decent

location. Plus, it has to be zoned correctly.”

“Right.” Michelle acted like she knew that, but either it had slipped her