building picked out. Michelle obviously wasn’t going to take no for an

answer. She was thinking fast, and she cut Christina off before she could

even voice protests and doubts.

“You’ll have everyone in this office at your disposal. I said you’d head

the project, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have a team behind you. We

have a lot of combined experience here. People will get behind this. We’ll

make it work.” Michelle stood abruptly. “Just get your client in here as soon

as possible. I’m going to work on damage control. Maybe we can minimize

the damage by announcing this project. That will take precedence over

anyone’s stupidity.”

Michelle left, closing Christina’s door forcefully. Christina dropped her

eyes down to the file that she’d closed when Michelle entered.

So much for getting any normal work done. So much for anything

normal ever happening again.

What choice did she have? She might miss New York, but she knew that

she didn’t want to go back followed by the stench of defeat. So, she wasn’t

a project manager. She’d have to get over that fast. Whatever she didn’t

know, she’d learn it. If the whole office was on board, she’d use any and all

the help in the place.

She didn’t have Taylor’s number, but Michelle was right. Glenda would

have it.

Christina stood up, her mind already churning up ways to get Taylor

back into their office. She’d would convince the woman, even if she had to

beg to do it. Taylor was the one variable.

No one had considered that Taylor might say no.

Chapter 8


Why the change of heart?

Taylor asked herself that over and over while she drove towards the

very same brick building just south of downtown where she’d had her