say that, but Christina could just imagine.

She thought about everyone losing their job. If she lost her job, it

would mean going back to New York with her tail tucked betwee

n her legs.

It didn’t matter that it was someone else who ruined it for everyone. She’d

be seen like a failure in her father’s eyes and she couldn’t stand that.

“I have an idea,” she blurted, before the idea was even truly formed in

her mind.

Michelle was clearly close to tears, but she blinked hard and stared

intently at Christina like she might just be the entire world’s salvation.

Christina knew she’d put herself on the spot of all spots and she sat up a

little straighter and looked around, trying to force her brain into overdrive.

“Uh— it’s— I met with a client yesterday. She had an idea. The pitch

was terrible, and the presentation was even worse. She had no idea what a

business model looked like. It was a fairly good idea though. There isn’t

anything like it in Austin.”

“What?” Michelle asked desperately. She looked like she was drowning

in frigid water. “What is it?”

“Well, it was basically an idea for therapy using animals. Not trained

therapy dogs or cats, but shelter animals. Rabbits too. The lady thought that

people could go there to calm down and de-stress. She said that there’s

scientific evidence that animals can lower blood pressure. It would be good

for the community. It’s not just a feel-good kind of business. It’s a give back

kind of business. I did read, in her paperwork, that she wanted to use shelter

dogs and animals from overcrowded rescues. They’d have the chance to get


“That’s— that’s insanely brilliant!” Michelle grasped onto the idea. It

was clear that she was ready to run with it, and not just the happy kind of

run that people do because they need to get their cardio in, but a full-on

sprint. “The city would love that. Shelters. Rescues. Everyone loves a good