that you actually have to pitch it, now you’re having doubts.”
“N-no!” Taylor stammered. “I— I mean, I’m not having doubts. I
don’t doubt that if you would just give me a chance, it could be a great idea.
There isn’t anything like it here. So many people would benefit from it.”
“There are details that you haven’t even worked out. What kind of a
building you’d need. Where it would be located. You’d need some land for
the dogs to be exercised. How many staff you’d have to pay. What kind of
legal logistics you’d need to consider.”
“What if one of the dogs, or even a cat, bit someone? You did
mention rabbits. A rabbit could bite someone too. What if someone sued?”
“I— I hadn’t thought about that.”
“Running a business is a massive job. You need a solid presentation,
but what’s more, you need a plan. Not just a few sheets of paperwork
outlining your idea. That’s not a business model, that’s just a dream. I’m
sorry to say, but I can’t even start to consider this when it’s put together this
“I didn’t— I— I know that I have less experience than some people
do, but I think that if you’d take a look, I do have tables with profit and
expenditures, potential staff, the cost of a building—”
Christina flipped through the pages. She could tell that Taylor was
getting desperate and she didn’t like the sheen in the woman’s huge green
eyes. It turned them from moss into hard jade. They were utterly absorbing
to stare at. Taylor’s lips wobbled as the sheen in her eyes turned into
welling moisture. Christina normally would have just stood up, wished her
client the best in the future, and walked out. She never tried to be
insensitive and certainly not hurtful, but in business, there was no room for
emotions. Gut feelings maybe, but that was about it.
She didn’t know why she was still sitting there.
“Please,” Taylor begged. “This could work. I— I put the proposal