“I know you would have. You aren’t a quitter.”

“You’re right about that. I probably would have moped for a few days

then got right on it. I would have gone to the college, like you said. I would

have tried to find someone to help me. I would have applied for jobs and

found something to cover the bills. I would have made it work. But really?

Me? I made you change your mind?”

“Yes. You. You’re way more inspiring than you know. You’ve been my

friend, my co-worker, and, through some amazing twist of fate, you’re my

partner. I already feel so different than I ever have before. About work,

about my family, about being able to open up and trust. I got back to the

office and got swamped with all that work, and I don’t know… I called you

and then I just sat there, and it came to me. I thought about why I started

doing all of this and where I truly wanted to be. I was so scared to think

about doing it alone, but then I realized that there was no way I would be

alone. You would be there. You and Chloe.”

“So, you want to start your own firm here? Or— or do you mean—

back in New York?” Taylor wanted Christina to be able to live out her

dream, just like she was doing, but she was also suddenly filled with terror

at the thought of Christina leaving. Or at Christina asking her to leave. She

knew that she couldn’t leave her family. At least in Austin, she was still

close enough to the farm.

“Here.” Christina stated firmly. “Believe me, I’m not ditching. This

isn’t me trying to have a panic attack or trying not to commit. You and

Chloe— meeting your family, working on the business— all of it has just

been so— so amazing. I’m not saying this to scare you. I’m not trying to

rush anything either, I’m just telling you where I’m at.”

Taylor had to look up at the ceiling and back down at the floor to keep

the onset of tears from spilling out all over the place. “You have no idea

how much I appreciate that. I actually thought that you were coming here to

like— break up with me or something.”