the clients that I’ve met with to push their work back and back and back
because of Michelle’s scheduling.”
“I think it’s just that you’re too nice. You pretend that you’re not, like
you’re all about the work, but secretly, deep down, you genuinely care.”
“It’s not that secret,” Christina said, but she was buzzing inside. Taylor
noticed things. She noticed without even having to be told. It was unnerving
at first, the way that Taylor could see straight through all that shielding
Christina used, but after spending so much time together, she’d grown used
to it.
“Okay, well, call me on the weekend if you have
time. Or text me. We
could talk at least. I do have to go into work a few times, just to check in.
I’m going to take Chloe with me. She loves it there, but I don’t want her to
be underfoot. I just want to make sure everything is going okay.”
“Sounds good. Have fun. I’m really sorry again.”
“It’s okay,” Taylor said after a long pause, but she was still
disappointed, and she still couldn’t pretend that she wasn’t.
“I’ll call. I promise. I really am looking forward to getting my life back.
And I’ll talk to Michelle. I promise.”
“Okay. I hope you get everything done. Try not to go insane.”
They hung up awkwardly. They were not near the point of exchanging
words of endearment to begin or end a call. Christina found it hard to
express her emotions like that, and Taylor, who was freer and easier with
things like that, still wasn’t there. She probably didn’t want to scare
Christina off. They showed their affection in other ways, when they were
with each other.
Christina went back to staring at the folders. It was one of the first times
in her life where she could honestly recall hating that she had to be at work.
Sure, there’d been moments when she didn’t like it or wanted to be doing