was a purple pig. He lived in a massive house that reached all the way to the


Christina wrapped her sodden arm around Chloe’s wet shoulders.

Chloe’s story promised to be fun, inventive, and exciting. Not only was

Christina excited to listen, but she was also excited to add on. Her arm

tightened just a little. Chloe smiled up at her. A glob of mud still clung to

her hair. Her freckles stood out in bold contrast to her pale skin. Her eyes

were absolutely huge. The adrenaline hadn’t worn off for either of them yet.

Christina brushed a wet strand of hair off Chloe’s forehead, tucking it

behind her ear, mud and all.

Chapter 20


Taylor had grown up in the old farmhouse and she knew exactly which

floorboards squeaked and which ones would remain silent as a secret. She

tiptoed down the hall to Christina’s room. It was late, but she just couldn’t

force herself to stay away, even after the stern talks she’d given herself

while lying in bed. It turned out the hours spent staring up at the ceiling

only made her desire burn harder. She couldn’t exactly talk herself out of

that. If she could have, she never would have stayed at Christina’s house

that night, and that truly would have been a tragedy. Taylor knew that she

would have missed out on so much if she hadn’t given Christina a chance.

If she hadn’t bothered to look below that somewhat hard, icy surface and

see the warm, vibrant person beneath.

Taylor stopped in front of the guest bedroom where Christina was

sleeping. She didn’t knock on the door since her parents probably would

have heard that. Instead, she pushed it open inch by inch, giving the hinges

time to adjust so they wouldn’t make a noise.

Christina’s shadowy form sat upright in the bed. She tensed for a

minute, but then when she realized it was just Taylor, she slumped down

with relief.