I’m not going to force what I want on anyone. It would have to be right and
I’m not in a rush. I don’t want to scare you off and I realize the value in
going slow and taking time to get to know someone.”
“Alright.” Christina found that she really did want to hear what Taylor
was thinking. She also found that the horrible feeling of fear and worry had
“I think that what happened last night was a nice surprise. I think we
both might have been fighting attraction and that’s what made us edgy.
Well, mostly me. Edgy, I mean. It felt really right when I was with you. I’ve
never felt anything close to that. I know I have limited experience, but even
if I didn’t, I know that feeling was special. In an effort to take things slow
and get to know each other as people, I was thinking we could obviously
keep working together, but that sometimes, when you’re free and I’m free,
we could— hang out. With Chloe. Take her to a movie or a kid’s thing. To
the park even. When the business slows down in a couple weeks and gets
closer to being finished, I was thinking that we could go to my parents’
place for thanksgiving. That’s a month away. No obligations, I just thought
I’d put it out there. You could also just come as a friend. They wouldn’t
have to know anything. I thought it would be nice for you to see a farm. It
would be something different. You could meet the animals. See where I
grew up. Unless you’re going back to New York for the holiday?”
“I just thought of it now, and I figured, after what you said, that you
might not be. I don’t think you should spend it alone. That seems like it
would really suck.”
“It’s totally up to you. I’ll leave it for you to decide closer to the date. I
can tell my parents that I might be bringing a friend. They’re very nice.
They wouldn’t press for details or make it weird. They have a large enough