didn’t want to add to her already jittery state. Her right heel kept tapping the

floor under the table and she couldn’t make her leg stop vibrating to get it to


Taylor had a latte, as Christina suggested. It was pumpkin spice, in spirit

with the impending Thanksgiving season.

“I was wondering where you were. I was going to call or email, but I

thought I’d check in at the office, since there might have been an

emergency. I called the receptionist to see if you were in. She didn’t think

you had any appointments booked, so I just dropped by.”

“To talk.”

“Yes! Because you’re avoiding me, aren’t you?”

“No. I did have some work to catch up on.”

“I don’t think so. You said that your boss cleared your schedule and told

you to be working with me every day for the next little while.”


“You were just trying to figure out how not to make things awkward.

You panicked.” Christina felt a lot like panicking at the moment. “I know

how you feel. I woke up this morning and thought I’d made the worst

mistake. But then Chloe woke up and she smiled at me. She was so happy. I

calmed right down. I really did leave early so that we wouldn’t disturb you.

Chloe was also begging me for something to eat and I didn’t want to go

rummaging through your cupboards and fridge.”

It was just as Christina thought. Taylor hadn’t been trying to just make a

break for it.

“I would have stayed if we’d woken up a little later and at least said

goodbye properly. I knew that we had to be at work though. My dog

definitely needed to be walked, Chloe needed a bath and a bag packed to go

to Juliana and Adriana’s. There was lots for me to do. Sorry. I left a note

because I thought it would be reassuring. I didn’t want you to think that I

was— that I had regrets about last night.”