Even if it was all those things, she wanted June to have them. She wasn’t

embarrassed by the depth of her need. A little scared, maybe, but not

ashamed. There was no shame between them. She met June thrust for

thrust, her body and hips gyrating madly as she broke apart over and over.

She came in great, wrenching waves that left her spent and shaking

against the sink. Her arms were numb now too, not just her hands. Still,

June thrust inside her, using those aftershocks to take Arabella into a place

that was beyond pleasure, expanding what she thought she could take, how

much, how hard, until she wanted more and more, until she was greedy

with it and astounded all over again at the raw wildness of her own vitality.

June kissed her shoulder, laving the tender spot of her neck with her

tongue. “Beautiful. You have no idea how much pleasure it gave me

watching you come apart for me.”

Their eyes met in the mirror as Arabella’s flew open. Her pupils were

blown wide, her lips swollen a cherry red, her tongue poking through them

in concentration. Her cheeks were scarlet, her shoulders heaving so brutally

that her reflection bobbed and swayed in the glass.

“Do you think you can come for me like that in the shower?”

“I was thinking maybe you might want a turn.”

June’s lips arched into a catlike grin in the mirror and her eyes flashed

with humor, lust, and unbridled anticipation. “Maybe. Maybe I would.”

“Maybe?” Arabella found some strength in her watery legs. She turned

and draped her arms around June’s waist and steered her to the glass

shower. “Let’s turn that maybe into a hard yes.”

Chapter 17


June got the glass shower door open and cranked on the water. She tested

the spray with a few fingers to make sure it wasn’t scalding or freezing

before she tugged Arabella under.

The water hit June’s sensitive skin, feeling like knives. Arabella gasped