might have been miserable thinking about her dad and all her financial

problems, but she was also hyper aware of the woman right beside her and

that banished just about every other thought from her mind.

She didn’t actually expect that June would do anything more than offer a

comforting touch. Her mind had yet to compute what exactly was going to

happen, which was why she wasn’t fully prepared for the brush of June’s

soft lips.

It was just a brush. Her mouth, asking, searching. Arabella parted her lips

and answered that question. She stopped June’s search by leaning into her.

Her hand fisted June’s shirt while the other tangled in her raven hair.

Arabella angled her face and June whimpered, her tongue teasing along

Arabella’s lower lip until they both gave in with a wild fury of kisses that

were so hard they left them both panting.

“What about work?” Arabella ground out. She didn’t want to bring that

up. She didn’t want to stop, but it was important to remember who they

were and what their situation was.

“We don’t have a policy against dating.”

“You’re not worried that I—did you say dating?” Arabella gulped.

“I was just saying.”

“But you did say it.”

June blinked. “I did. I was just…if we wanted to, that is.”

Arabella gulped. Maybe now wasn’t the time to talk about it, but she was

glad it was out there as an option. She wasn’t even thinking about dating,

but she also wasn’t going to consider going anything further with June until

she knew she was okay with all those lines, professional and personal,

being shattered.

“What about Summer?”

“Summer?” June’s hand swept over Arabella’s jaw, tilting her face again.

“Summer is my best friend. She’s not my boss.”

“You’re my boss though.”