Summer for that kiss one bit. That kiss was entirely on her.

Which meant that after Arabella borrowed Summer for a talk, June really

needed to figure out what she was going to say. To both of them.

Chapter 10


Back at work, days after the craziest weekend of her life, Arabella settled

into what she was coming to learn was a regular rhythm. Not that it was

boring. New Shooz 2uz was probably the least boring place she had ever

worked. She always had something to do. Everyone who worked there was

so dang brilliant and inspiring.

As a bonus, it wasn’t uncommon for someone to bring their dog to work

just to say hi and give the office a dose of puppy cuddles, kisses, and cheer.

It also wasn’t that uncommon for people to bring in their kids if something

went wrong with a sitter or if they had a few hours between their partner

getting home to be able to provide childcare. Since everyone had an office,

it wasn’t

a big deal.

Which was a big deal in itself.

Arabella had never worked at a place quite like it.

Case in point, when she went to deliver her ideas about the new shoe line

for kids that they were thinking about putting into the works, along with her

market research, spread sheets, and detailed other reports, she found Beth in

her office bouncing a toddler on her knee. The baby, an adorable little girl

with a shock of red hair pulled into a tiny ponytail on top her head with a

pink bow, flushed cheeks, and approximately three teeth, gummed a fist and

grinned at Arabella when she walked in.

“Oh!” Arabella said, surprised and charmed all at once. “I didn’t

realize…sorry. If this is a busy time, I can come back in a bit.”

“No, no, that’s fine.” Beth motioned to her desktop. “You can leave

everything there. I’ll take a look at it just as soon as Shannon, my daughter,