obviously in order.

“Summer…” June sighed. “I get your point. You’re worried about me.

Still, that doesn’t mean you can say hurtful things like that. You invited

Arabella on this trip, so you can’t hold that against her now. What happened

between us just happened.”

“She’s not even into girls!” Summer protested, stamping her foot on the


“Actually…” June and Arabella said at the same time.

They looked at each other, sharing a look that lingered just long enough

for Summer to catch it. It was the kind of look June often shared with her

bestie and Summer got that. She got that she’d been left out of something

big. Something monumental. She didn’t like that either. Instead of getting

mad, her eyes welled with tears, and she stared June down.

“Whatever. You’re a big girl. You can take care of yourself, I’m sure.”

Her eyes tracked to Arabella, and she didn’t bother to hide her despair, the

still lingering hostility, and the fact that she trusted Arabella about as far as

she could throw her, which obviously wasn’t very far at all. “You’re an

adult too. I hope this isn’t a nice person act when you’re still a mean girl at

heart. I don’t trust you and I’ll be watching. You hurt June at all and, well,

expect to meet nasty Summer!”

Summer stormed off, eating up the grass in long, stomping strides. It was

easy to see just how pissed off she was, but June knew she was also worried

and disappointed and that’s how she showed it. She was probably also very

stung at the inside secret she thought Arabella and June were sharing

together. Not that there really was one. She really wished she’d told

Summer about the talk she’d had with Arabella the night before. Was it too

late? Could she tell her now? Would she listen?

“I should talk to her,” Arabella said. She meant it. June didn’t think that

Arabella had some diabolical plot up her sleeve or anything. Apparently,

she trusted Arabella enough to kiss her. She’d have to examine that later.