you can fire her with good cause. I’d suggest making her life a living hell,

but I know you aren’t going to do that, so I’m not even going to go there.

Hey!” Summer slapped the countertop and June jumped. She watched her

friend run a hand through her wild and untamed bright red hair while her

green eyes shone with a spark that could only mean trouble. “The company

barbeque. That’s it. I’m coming. You’re bringing me as your date.”

“No, Summer, everyone knows you’re my best friend. And it would


“I don’t give two rat’s bottoms what it looks like. No one will think

anything other than that you’re bringing your lovely bestie to your own

company function. Everyone else gets to bring a date or their kids or

whatnot. I need to come with you. I need to observe this d-bag up close and


“This is exactly why you shouldn’t be there. Because you’ll end up

calling her a d-bag just like now and things will get awkward, and she’ll file

a freaking harassment suit against me and that will be the beginning of the


Summer shook her head. “Nope. Not going to give her any incentive to

act like the victim. I just want to observe her. From afar, if I have to. I’ll

hide in the bushes if you don’t give me an official invite.”

“Good God,” June groaned.

“How can you forget what she did that day? It still makes me furious

when I think about it.”

June’s throat was suddenly dry and scratchy again. Even though her

stomach was churning worse than ever, she picked up her drink and downed

the rest of it. “I haven’t forgotten anything.”

Chapter 2

High School


“Ewww, what’s that stench?” A pair of pink-clad shoulders hit the locker