At the very least, she could have resorted to bribery and gotten June or

Sarah, who were both known as nerds, to write some papers for her, but she

hadn’t even done that.

She’d never breathed a word.

June remembered how shocked she and Sarah were when nothing

happened. They’d waited, barely daring to breathe. Eventually they’d

decided not to tempt fate. Sarah had very religious parents, and for that and

other reasons, she wasn’t ready for people to know. June, on the other hand,

decided to take any power that she could away from Arabella. She’d never

cared if people knew she was a lesbian. She’d finally told Summer about

what happened.

June had worked her butt off to get that scholarship but she actually

didn’t care much about her school experience. It was unpleasant, being

bothered constantly by Arabella. The things she said stung and burned like

hot metal biting into her skin. They chaffed and festered, but they never

reached beyond

the surface. It was the same thing when June came out.

People talked for a week and then they just moved on to something else

when it was obvious June didn’t give two flying shits what they were going

to say or do.

“June!” Summer stuck her head in the room, scaring the shit out of June.

She realized that she’d lost herself again, as she’d done all night. She

couldn’t turn off her brain and she was exhausted from more than just not


June groaned. She still had the pillow tucked loosely over her face.

Summer’s footsteps were heavy on the wood plank floor. She grabbed the

pillow and tore it away, letting all the bright light spill in. “Come on! Even

Arabella is up. You can’t let Miss Citified City Girl beat you to getting


Should I tell her about Arabella?