into a pool at a party they both attended, June always noticed that Arabella

had a nice body. It was just there. In her face. All the time. It was there in

everyone’s faces, all the time. It wasn’t June’s fault she had eyes and

Arabella had nice breasts, a tiny waist, a curvy bottom, and long legs.

Summer’s face puckered up. “She said you stank like poverty. Like, all

the time. She’d wrinkle her nose, like this.” She demonstrated, pulling her

best Arabella stench smelling face. June desperately tried not to laugh. It

was pretty hilarious, seeing her best friend put on such an unappealing

expression. “Anyway, you have to get rid of her.”

“I can’t just get rid of her. I can see the headlines now.” She spread out

her hands, mimicking newsprint. “CEO goes from victim to perpetrator,

innocent woman fired before a single day worked in a jealous fit of


Summer snorted. “It would never happen. That’s way too long of a


“Ugh, you get what I mean. Getting rid of her goes against everything I

stand for.”

“She goes against everything you stand for.”

“If she got the job, then I have to give her the benefit of the doubt.”

Summer waved her hands frantically, nearly sending her glass of sun tea

flying off the counter. “She got hired because she looks good on paper and

is all shiny and nicey-nice during interviews, but that’s not the real her.”

“If she was hired by my HR team, it was because she was qualified,

experienced, and talented.”

“For gosh darn sakes, this is Arabella we’re talking about.”

June ground her teeth as Summer’s face turned red. She thought that June

wasn’t hearing her, but she was. She truly was. She didn’t want Arabella

working at her company any more than she’d like to clean a public

washroom. With her tongue. But she’d already been hired and that was

freaking that.