They’d been friends all this time and they probably thought of themselves

as sisters.

Arabella could only wish she’d had a friend like that, but none of her

high school group had actually been true friends at all. After the shit with

her dad went down, no one from her old neighborhood talked to her. Or her

parents. They’d lost all of their “friends” as well.

“Okay, it was rude,” Summer confessed, then studied Arabella. “I mean

it. You can come if you want. You sound like you’re in need of a good

getaway with some people who are going to be real about crap. Plus, it is

the whole keep your enemies closer thing.”

“I’m not your enemy,” Arabella insisted.

“That remains to be seen.” Summer stood. “Oh, and if you’re actually out

to hurt June in any way, fucking with her company or whatnot…” Summer

glanced at the kids and lowered her voice after dropping that f-bomb. “I will

string you up and whip you with a wet noodle for real.”

“I’m sure that has her quaking in her boots,” June stated dryly.

“I know where you live,” Summer threatened as she brushed grass off her

dress. “Well, I don’t, but I can dang well find out. I have friends in high

places now.”

“Or June could just check out my HR file,” Arabella deadpanned. “It has

my address clearly written on it.”

“Right.” Summer crossed her arms again. “So, we’ll find out where you


“No, we won’t, because that would be completely unethical,” June


Summer tossed her long hair over one shoulder. “We’ll pick you up

tomorrow? At eight? We’re leaving early so we can have the whole

weekend. Unless you had better plans?”

Arabella’s head was spinning. She didn’t want to go away for the

weekend with Summer and June, but maybe she should. Maybe then she