dreading her meeting with the marketing team ever since she found out

Arabella had been hired.

If high school had taught June anything, it was that perseverance paid off.

She might be nervous and filled with conflicting emotions, but she was no

coward, and she made sure that when she walked into the meeting, right at

one so that everyone hopefully had a chance to get there before she did, she

had a smile that felt real. As real as she could make it, at any rate.

June entered the room and shut the door behind her, noting that everyone

was there. Including Arabella. She gulped down the rising tide of panic that

created uncomfortable bubbles in her airway and chest, then turned around

and took her seat.

She’d copied the whole equality at the table idea from ancient legend and

had gone with an oval design. That way, there was no head or right-hand

man or any of that nonsense she didn’t believe in. She might be CEO, but

she didn’t think she was any more important than anyone else in this room.

Power trips and egos were gross, and she’d made an effort to make it more

than apparent that they had no place in the company.

June carried a thick black notebook, preferring handwritten notes to

anything typed. She opened it to her agenda for the day, which was nothing

more than a few jotted items so that the meeting could flow, and creativity

could take center stage. At the top was a single name, as if she needed the


June slowly lifted her eyes. She felt that her smile was in place and hoped

it di

dn’t wobble. “Hello, everyone. I’m sure you’ve already met your new

director, but if not, this is Arabella Ferguson.” Her eyes swept around the

table and finally, because she felt she had to look her square in the face,

they came to rest on her old nemesis. “She brings a wealth of experience

with her, and I’m sure we’re very lucky to have her on board. I’m excited to

get started.”