“I can’t wait for the company picnic this year,” Beth said. “Shannon is so

excited to talk to you guys about Amelia’s school.”

“It’s coming up,” Arabella agreed. “Just two weeks away.” She stroked

her huge baby bump lovingly. “I hope I make it.”

“Those babies will hang on a little longer. They wouldn’t want you to

miss the best part of the year.”

Shannon had mentioned to them at the last picnic how well Amelia was

doing at her school. It was hard to believe that in the fall, Sky would

already be starting kindergarten there herself. June and Arabella thought it

was a great idea to send the twins there. Eve

n if it was years down the road,

they both knew that they’d go by very, very quickly.

June had to wipe at her eyes before the moisture overflowed and leaked

down her face. She couldn’t believe the boys were already nearly two and a

half years old. It literally seemed like yesterday that they were in the

hospital with them, scared and so incredibly excited to take them home.

Both her parents and Arabella’s parents were always saying that whole

“blink and you’ll miss it” thing, but they were right.

The next year would be a hard one, with two newborns and two toddlers.

It would be busy and filled with a lack of sleep. Only Arabella was taking

maternity leave this time, and they were hiring a nanny to help out. The

company was going full steam and June didn’t feel like she could take

another year off, which made her more than a little bit sad in some ways,

but Arabella encouraged her and supported her fully.

They worked together, and that was one of the best parts of their

relationship. Arabella knew exactly what was going on with the company at

all times, and she’d also agreed that June really couldn’t take another year

or even six months off. When June suggested a nanny, Arabella had been all

for it. They’d interviewed a few people from a few different agencies. Their

nanny, who was sixty-two with a ton of her own grandchildren, was the