working, and parenting a set of two-year-old toddler boys was tough work.

“We’re good for time?” June handed the slice over to Arabella, who

looked thrilled at the rich chocolate icing and dark chocolate cake. She’d

had the worst chocolate cravings throughout her pregnancy.

“We are.” She bit down on a forkful of cake and closed her eyes in rapt

delight. “Oh wow. This is good. Seriously. Good. This might be the best

thing that anyone has ever handed to me.”

Everyone in the huge room, which was jam-packed with just about every

employee from the company, laughed in agreement. There were multiple

cakes, since there were so many of them, but Beth had known all about

Arabella’s chocolate weakness and had cut the perfect piece for her first.

Unlike June, Arabella hadn’t had a rough pregnancy. June might have

gotten pregnant the first time they did the procedure, like Arabella had, but

she was so sick throughout the entire time. She never got a break. She

wasn’t the first woman to barely gain any weight, even when carrying

twins, but it had been a rough ride. It was hard going to work every single

day when you were so, so sick. She’d had to keep a garbage can under her

desk just in case she couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time. She hated to

think back on how many times she’d had to use it.

She was glad Arabella had only gone through a little nausea during her

first trimester. Unlike the first time, they had wild twin boys to look after,

and it would have been doubly hard if Arabella couldn’t get out of bed most

days or scrape herself off the couch like June.

She knew how horrible it had been for Arabella during that time. How

much she’d worried about the babies and about her. Not that June didn’t

worry. She did. God, some days all she did was worry, but she knew they’d

get through it.

Everything would be fine.

And very soon they’d go from having two beautiful, extra-boisterous,

keep you on your toes constantly little boys to four little boys. Yes. Four.