gave her a sympathetic look, but Arabella smiled quickly to reassure her

that she was okay.

Arabella was as stubborn as June had been when she was pregnant with

the twins. She’d refused to stop working until right near the end of the

pregnancy. Anyone might think that their relationship was a little strange,

but it didn’t matter to them. They knew they wanted a big family and that

they would both like to have the experience of being pregnant. It never felt

weird for them while they were making that decision, going through in-

Vitro, or while they both took maternity leave. June took the full year, while

Arabella took six months.

When the twins, who were a crazy handful at the best of times, but a

handful of love aside from all their wild shenanigans, were just over a year

and a half old, Arabella went through in-Vitro since they didn’t want the

kids to be so far apart in age.

“Let me guess?” Beth asked, coming up with a piece of cake on a plate

and handing it to June. “It’s whatever pair is going to be gracing those little


June took the cake and laughed. “That’s exactly right.”

It turned out that even though they waited over a year to put their line of

kid’s shoes into production after the whole design selling fiasco, it was

worth the wait. They were able to come up with even better, more unique

designs and better able to put together the best technology they could into

making shoes that would fit newborns all the way up to adult sizes. They

were a huge hit, and now their children’s line of animal and insect-themed

shoes were the company’s new best seller.

June watched Arabella check her phone, just to be sure that the baby

shower, which was being held at the end of the day, wasn’t running late.

She didn’t want to be late to pick up the twins from daycare. Again. She’d

already been late quite a few times that month, but thankfully, Annie gave

her a break since she knew that being pregnant with a second set of twins,