she was going to provide and make ends meet. She knew she could do it,

even if it meant working at three terrible jobs until she found something that

was the right fit. But losing June? There wasn’t anyone like her. In so many

ways. June was one of a kind.

“I’m sorry I outed us like that.” June glanced down at her plate. “Thank

you for making this, but I’m not really hungry.”

“Would you rather do something else? I can put it in the fridge. I’m not

really hungry either.”

“I would.” June stood, still holding Arabella’s hand, and gently tugged

her out of her chair. She took a few steps that were as nimble and graceful

as a dance being performed and pulled Arabella into a hug.

It was the most wonderful thing in the world. Arabella leaned against

June, allowing all the heaviness she felt to flow away. She breathed at the

nape of June’s neck when she bent her head and set her chin on June’s

shoulder. She loved the heady tingle that accompanied the action.

“I should have asked you if you were okay with everyone at work

knowing about us.”

“It’s just Beth. She won’t tell.”

“But still. I’m sorry. The way I said it wasn’t very sensitive.”

“I’ve always been okay with anyone knowing about us,” Arabella said.

She closed her eyes and concentrated on the small things. The way June’s

thighs pressed up against hers. The silk of her blouse against her fingers.

Her deep breaths.

“When I said that we should wait to meet our families and friends, it

wasn’t because I was trying to decide if I wanted to be in this. I do. I just

thought it would be better to go slow instead of rushing into it. You’ve

already met my mom. And Summer’s mom. And, of course, you know

Summer. I wasn’t trying to not be involved. The work thing is—I do feel

like it makes things more complicated, but I’m okay with people knowing

too. I was scared that I would be seen as that boss who was totally