were a massive success in Ohio, more so than anywhere else, because

people supported her for being a homegrown girl.

“Yeah. It’s great.” Arabella stepped in and stared out the massive

windows on the one side of the palatial office. They were tinted so that the

sun wasn’t unbearable. New Shooz 2uz was located on the fifth floor of a

twenty or so storey high rise, and the view from where she stood was quite

nice. Not too high up to be intimidating, but high enough that the streets

and rooflines below were still seen from an interesting angle. The rest of the

office was made of clear glass. The whole thing was utterly modern, from

the square shelves to the sleek black desk. The desk chair looked like a

robot had a baby with a regular desk chair.

“Mine’s bright pink,” Tina said proudly. She pointed at her head. “Just

like my hair. I love it. Can’t get enough pink, if you know what I mean.”

Arabella shuddered inwardly. She’d worn so much pink in high school

that she never wanted to don the color again. She didn’t want to be

reminded of what a mean-spirited, spiteful, hurtful, controlling, power-

hungry, popularity seeking, sick little problem child she’d been. For some

people, high school was the best time of their lives. It had been great for

Arabella, until she’d graduated and gone into the real world and had time to

reflect on how she’d treated people. It took her years, but she was glad

she’d changed, even if it meant recognizing and owning the terrible person

she was.

“Well, I’ll leave you to settle in, then. I know how rough first days can

be, but don’t worry. We’re like a big family here. It’s a great place to work.

I think I’m super lucky to be part of a team of people who actually care

about each other. We have our first meeting at one today. I know it’s right

after lunch, but don’t let that fool you. Morning or afternoon, there isn’t any

drag here. No complaining or whining allowed,” Tina finished cheerfully.

“Oh, and I almost forgot! June is going to be sitting in on the meeting.

You’ll love her! She’s so nice and inspiring. Her ideas are amazing, but if