anymore, but I know you’re sorry, and not just that you got caught. I know

you’re probably expecting the worst from me right now, but I didn’t come

in here to do that to you. I think you’ll beat yourself up enough about all of


“I never meant for this to happen,” Arabella whispered. She couldn’t

look at June. She was looking at the floor, and that made everything worse.

June wished she had the courage to look her in the eye like she’d done. It

stuck her like a thorn, pricking at her already slashed up pride. “What about

—what are we going to do?”

June cleared her throat. “I think that’s a conversation we should have

later. Privately.”

She glanced behind her, but there wasn’t anyone ou

t gawking in the

hallway. Even if the entire office knew what had happened, they wouldn’t

have done that. She knew they wouldn’t have. They would have been sad,

would have wondered why anyone would do that, and then hoped things

would get better for Arabella whatever her reasons were. There wasn’t a

single person there who would have lashed out or enjoyed someone being

fired. In other offices, maybe, but not in hers.

“You’re right. I-I already have everything packed. I can leave right away.

If someone has to search my things or escort me out, I understand.”

“No. Of course not.”

Arabella still couldn’t look up. “How can you still trust me?”

June’s throat felt raw. She’d been scraping down extra hard swallows for

hours and she really felt it. “Because I believe in giving people the benefit

of the doubt.”

Loud footsteps thundered down the hall and June turned, confused.

Maybe someone had heard and was coming for the show after all. An

immediate stab of disappointment hit her, but when she saw that it was

Beth, she relaxed.