herself, gotten over her initial shock and all the hurt and anger that filtered

down from that moment she’d seen the ad with the shoes that were

supposed to be hers being put out by another company. A company who

didn’t even recycle a damn thing, for shit’s sake.

June pulled into her parking spot at the office and sat in the car for a few

minutes. The AC was pumping, so the heat of the outside didn’t reach her.

She felt bad about wasting energy, just sitting there, but she needed the few

extra minutes to grasp the steering wheel and try to figure out what she was

going to say.

No, she knew what she was going to say. She’d spent the better part of

her last meeting being unproductive because she was thinking about it, then

her mind had gone over and over it while she drove to the office.

She just hoped she could turn her emotions down and remember Arabella

was an employee right now and that was it. She didn’t want to think about

the more personal conversation that was coming. That made her breath

come short and her blood feel like it was half ice and half boiled.

Get through this first. Be professional.

June repeated that to herself six hundred times while she walked through

the lobby and went up in the elevator. She gave Shelly a nod at reception

and walked straight to Arabella’s office. She didn’t want to get distracted by

anyone or cornered somewhere else. She didn’t want to draw anything out,

or run into Beth, who already knew. She did wrap her arms around herself

briefly as she walked, and when she caught herself doing it, she told herself

it was because the AC was frigid in the place and not because she was

trying to literally hold herself together.

She walked straight up to Arabella’s office and paused at the door. It was

open, the little stopper at the bottom in place. Arabella was sitting behind

her desk, just sitting. Waiting. June’s heart plummeted when she saw that

the whole thing was spotless. Everything had been tidied and cleaned.

There were a few boxes packed up in the corner. None of Arabella’s