That love made people willing to do anything, even if it was crazy or bad or


“So, June thinks I did it?” Arabella asked again, just to confirm. She

desperately wanted the answer to be no and was actually disappointed all

over again when she watched Beth nod.

“She does.”

Arabella desperately wished she could erase the last few minutes and

rewind the words Beth had just said. Even if that wouldn’t do any good, she

wished she could just go back to half an hour ago when she was planning

what creative idea she could surprise June with for date night.

Oh no. God, that’s supposed to be tonight.

What could June possibly be thinking right now? Was she wounded?

Smarting? Did she believe the worst? Was she curious, tackling the problem

like one would go at an annoying math equation they couldn’t work out?

Would she add it up and figure out it didn’t make sense? Or would she think

Summer’s worst fears had been realized, and Arabella had only been there

to betray her all along? Personally too.

She had to close her eyes and force herself to drag in breath after breath.

She wasn’t going to give in to the stupid sting behind her eyes either. She

wasn’t going to cower. She wasn’t going down like this. She could still fix

things. Couldn’t she?

“I understand that you need to tell her,” Beth said in such a small voice

that Arabella could barely hear her through the deep breaths that were doing

shit to calm her down. “I know that. That’s why I came to you first. I

needed you to know that June is coming. I needed you to be prepared

instead of being blindsided.”

“What?” Arabella raised her head and looked straight at Beth.

“I know you have to tell her the truth. I should have done it. I was just so

shocked that I—when she called, I couldn’t tell her. I panicked, then I sat

and thought about it for a good long while, and I knew I had to come in