Arabella gulped. “I guess I would try, but I don’t think they’d go down as

smooth. Doesn’t chocolate make everything more appetizing?”

“So does a deep fryer.”

“Eww. Okay, I hope it’s not really bugs.”

“It’s not really bugs. It’s actually this food truck that opened up. They

have the most amazing sandwiches, or so I’ve heard.”

“Then we should try said amazing sandwiches.”

June knew she should really get back to her office to tackle the crazy

amounts of paperwork she had stacking up, but she paused after walking to

the door and walked back to Arabella’s desk. Arabella stood, glancing at the

door and the front of her office yet again.

“I was just going to ask if you thought there was anything off with Beth

at that meeting?”

“Oh, I-I don’t know. I didn’t really notice anything. Why? Did you?”

“I don’t know. I guess she’s just stressed. She just looked…I don’t know.

Different? It’s maybe just because I’ve known her for a long time. I was just

going to talk to her and make sure she knew that it isn’t her fault if this

thing crashes and burns.” Arabella looked panicked. “I mean, it’s never

going to crash and burn. Sorry. It’s an amazing idea and I know people are

going to love it. Beyond love it. I could just see that Beth might be taking a

lot of this on herself and it’s normal to have doubts about anything that’s

brand new that we’ve never done before.”

“You notice everything,” Arabella whispered. Her eyes locked with

June’s. “That’s one of the things I love about you.” She seemed to realize

she’d used that word only after she’d said it. It was casual, something

anyone would say, but it wasn’t that way when Arabella said it.

June softened. She glanced behind her this time, then she grasped

Arabella’s hand tightly, just for a second before she let it go. “Thank you.

There are many, many things I love about you too. At lunch, I hope I can

tell you a few.”