tremendous happiness she felt, but she knew that was also a common fear.

Every single person had to be afraid of those things, of their happiness

getting shattered, of bad things happening to the people they loved. She

worried about her parents daily. No, more like hourly. She worried about

her sister. And now she worried about June.

That was just part of life and learning how to let people in, learning how

to let go, and maybe even learning how to love.

Chapter 19


Now that they were actively talking and thinking about their new line of

children’s footwear, June was so excited to join the marketing meetings.

Not that she hadn’t been before, but she trusted that her team was capable to

handle things without her always being present. She still trusted them, but

she was so excited for the new shoes they were going to be putting into

development shortly that she made sure she always made time for the

meetings. She wanted to know everything that was happening, every single

second of it.

She told herself she was just excited about the product line, the shoes

themselves, all their fun new designs, and the fact that this was something

they hadn’t done before, an entirely new direction for all of them. June was

okay with admitting to herself that she was especially excited because it

was Arabella’s idea they were developing, her designs, even though they

were preliminary.

She was extremely proud of Arabella, but she didn’t want to just be

excited for her or proud of her. She wanted to be excited for the whole thing

and proud of the whole marketing department. She was. She was truly

proud of everyone for all the hard work they had put in already and all the

hard work they would continue to do, but when she got to the meeting, she

couldn’t help but feel a rush of pride for the beautiful, smart, talented,

driven woman who was her girlfriend.