your tea?”

Arabella’s mom was a fast thinker. She always had been absolutely quick

on her feet, and right now, she was dancing on her toes. “I was hoping

you’d offer some. Tea. If you did, I wouldn’t have to borrow the sugar.”

“Tea sounds good,” June said. She stepped out from behind Arabella at

the door and offered her hand. “I’m June. It’s good to meet you.”

“And these are my parents,” Arabella tacked on as an introduction.

“Obviously. I guess we’re having tea then. Why don’t you come in and we

can all visit for a while in the kitchen?”

“Oh, that would be great.”

“I’d like that,” Arabella’s dad added, and again her heart skipped a beat

because he sounded like he really would like that.

In the kitchen, it didn’t take long for her to boil water and get out mugs

and a few boxes of black and green teas. She set everything on the table,

including spoons, sugar, and honey. She let everyone make their own cups

of tea and then she sat down in the empty seat at the round table between

her mom and June.

“I have to say, Arabella is…she’s glowing,” her mom gushed without

bothering to even make herself up a mug.

Arabella coughed loudly as she grabbed the box of black tea and threw a

teabag into her mug. She poured water and watched the clear liquid turn a

deep shade of brown.

“I’ve never seen her as happy as she has been these past few weeks. We

just knew she had to be seeing someone.”


June grasped Arabella’s hand under the table and squeezed. “I’m glad.

I’ve been very happy as well.”

Her dad was more practical. “Where did you two meet?”

Great. We’re getting to all the good questions right off the bat. All those

questions that have really awkward answers.