and meeting the parents at a pre-arranged time and place of our choosing?”

“Well, they’re out there and they’re probably not going to go away. If we

can hear them, they can probably hear us.”

“Oh, my good lord,” Arabella whispered. She could feel herself getting

totally flustered as she toned down her voice. June’s observation was

obvious, and she had no idea why she hadn’t thought of it. “You’re

probably right.”

Arabella checked her clothes and held out her arms for a silent visual

inspection. June nodded, but when she walked past Arabella, swatting her

bottom gently, it undid all her composure. She hurried over to the door, took

a deep breath in preparation for the mom and dad storm that was about to

sweep through, and opened it.

“Mom. Dad. What a surprise.” Arabella could barely keep a straight face

when she said it.

Behind her, June let out the softest snort, and that alone just about made

Arabella burst into giggles. Her parents might have heard her on the other

side, but even if they had, they couldn’t tell what she’d been doing. Losing.

Badly. At. poker. They didn’t know she’d been sitting there barely dressed

when they walked up. That was a secret she shared with June.

“Oh, well, we just wanted to come up and say hi.” At least her mom

could be honest.

Her dad placed one hand at the small of his wife’s back and smiled one of

the few genuine smiles he’d put on lately. Not that she was annoyed at

being interrupted, but it made her parents’ nosey charade worth it. She was

glad to see her dad smile. It had been a long time since she’d seen actual

happiness on his face.

“Okay. Uh, well, then you probably want to come in.”

“Really? You don’t mind?”

Arabella nearly choked at her mom’s sugary tone. “No, I don’t mind.”

She couldn’t help herself. “Are you sure you don’t want some sugar? For