wanted to make sure.”

June kissed her hard. “I’m sure.” She couldn’t miss another flicker of

doubt in Arabella’s eyes as she pulled away. She left it for a moment, but

when she turned around, Arabella’s voice was soft and quiet again.

“I should…maybe should I go?”

June was near the bathroom door, but she whirled around, her mouth

dropping open. “Uh, no! Not unless you want to. Or you have to.”

Arabella twisted the end of the towel under her armpit again as it came

undone. She studied that terry cloth twist she’d made instead of looking at

June. “It’s just that we haven’t exactly decided on…well, it’s getting kind of

late, isn’t it?”

“Oh, so you’re asking how I feel about you staying the night? Or are you

asking if I’m ready for more? Because I already stayed at your place, so it

makes perfect sense that you’d stay here now, don’t you think? Unless

you’re not ready to…”

“I’m ready, June,” she said in a rush. “God, I’m so ready.”

June rushed forward and took Arabella’s hand. She smoothed her fingers

over Arabella’s palm before she twisted their fingers together. “I know this

is new and there are probably going to be so many awkward moments, but I

hope we can laugh about them and get through them and just talk about

them if we need to. I’d like you to stay the night. Very much. If you want to.

If you’re not ready, that’s okay. I can drive you back to your car.”

Arabella hesitated. “What if someone notices my car was parked there

overnight? I also don’t have a change of clothes.”

“You’re right. That makes sense. Not the car. No one is going to be the

car police, but the clothing thing. And it would be an early morning before

work. I didn’t plan this ahead of time. Sorry, I wasn’t trying to outrug you.”

“What’s outrugging?” Arabella asked, smiling now even if it was a little


“Pulling the rug out from under you?”