bathroom where she could clean up and rinse the heat of humiliation and

anger from her face with cold water.

Chapter 3


Deep breaths. Count to ten. This is going to be fine. It’s all going to be


“This is the lunchroom. Isn’t it great? I love the free fruit. You can help

yourself to that. And, of course, the coffee is also free.”

Tina Rodgers, one of the more junior marketing coordinators, had

probably drawn the short straw when it came to the office tour. She did it

happily, though, with a genuine smile on her face.

“If you love this, you’re going to love the company barbeque coming up.

We always wanted to do a potluck, but someone would probably food

poison someone else, then someone would sue, so it’s always a catered

thing, but it’s nice. Did they tell you about it?”

Marketing departments could be run differently, but at New Shooz 2uz,

seriously the most original, slightly awful name in history, but somehow it

kind of worked, the marketing was done by one team.

“Uh, yeah. It was mentioned.”

“It’s this Friday. We all get the day off with pay. Yay!” Tina looked like

someone who would be bubbly, and she was. She was petite, with a bright

pink pixie cut, piercings in her cheeks, septum, and lower lip, and a

penchant for wearing fun, bright clothes.

“It sounds like it’s going to be great,” Arabella forced out. The words

practically wedged in her throat.

If someone had told her who she would be working for, whose company

she’d be working at, and who would one day be her boss above all bosses,

there was no way she would have applied. Unfortunately, she’d been so

desperate for a position that she’d sent out no less than fifty or sixty

resumes to so many different jobs she lost track.