terrible when it comes to using so much electricity. I don’t want to throw

them out, so I’ve already found a place that will take them. I’m not sure

what they do with them exactly, but I did look around to find a good

recycling place where they wouldn’t just go to the dump.”

“You can buy replica seventies fridges?” Arabella asked, amazed.

“No, the ones I’m getting are more of a replica fifties vibe, and they’re

powder pink. I thought it would be a nice compliment to all the yellows

and browns.”

“I changed my mind. I think the kitchen might be best. For the cactus. On

the window ledge if it’s big enough.” The cactus was pretty small, so she

was sure it would fit there.

June gave her a funny look and it took her a second to catch on to what

she meant. “I’m not sure which spot is best,” June purred. “But I know what

spot is best for you.”

Arabella’s mouth went dry as June stepped close to her and plucked the

plant out of her hands neatly, setting it on the kitchen counter. She

advanced, all purpose and flashing eyes that were hot on Arabella’s face,

and Arabella backed up a step, just because she liked the thrill she felt at

being pursued. June closed in on her until she was backed up against the

wall. She bracketed her in with a hand on either side of her shoulders. Even

though she was inches shorter and more petite, Arabella still felt excited at

being caged that way.

“Don’t you want to know where you’d fit best in here?” June asked


“Uh, if you say the closet, I might be a little bit afraid. But then again, if

it really has shag rug, it might be pretty comfortable.”

June’s lips twitched and Arabella knew she didn’t mind one bit that she

wasn’t playing along properly. “I was thinking more like the shower


“Do I stink?”